Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Latests chapter3

Chapter 3- Solutions For The Living Space Into Land Use By Function
3.0 Living space into land use by Function
The major functions to be applied underground together with subcategories of use are illustrated (fig 8) .In underneath surface space utilization is used with two categories with People-oriented uses and product-oriented uses to be the functions of underground. In major functions it have been separate by 5 major, it has residential, nonresidential, infrastructure and military.
One of the designs for the residential of people-oriented uses mostly of them used it for single family or multifamily to living at the space .Besides that level of the ground for the residential mostly are from surface to underground normally from 7feet to 10 feet. For example show as below figure 11.

Figure 11 Merrill wright house blend with the natural landscape
On the other hand, category of non -residential for people –oriented uses for religious, recreational, institutional and commercial but to product-oriented uses mostly use for industrial, parking storage and agriculture. For example the categories of non-residential for people –oriented show as below figure 12 and for product-oriented show in Figure 13 &14.

Figure 12 church in the rock in Helsinki using the space create a religious space 

Figure 13Glass House is part of the Garden of Wales Botanical Gardens in the UK

Figure 14  Alexander Family Farm in Matamata using underground earthen habitats
Besides that underground also can be infrastructure like transportation of passengers in public transportation, transportation of goods, utilities, energy disposal and mines. For example as below figure 15, it using for saints People to do their research and figure 16 it using for the train transportation in berlin.

Figure 15 Svalbard global seed vault in Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near the town of Longyearbyen

Figure 16 Berlin Main Station – Underground Platforms & Shopping Areas in Berlin, Germany from LichtVision
Underground space design can protectthe environment and more environmental friendly than the surface.Designs in surface will create more negative impact to environment. Undergroundarchitecture will be more environmental friendly and functional to the humanity.it have a lot of usage for humanity and different usage has a different way to save out environmental.

3.1Solution for Lighting Problem
While lighting is only one of many considerations in the interior design of a building, it isan importance issue in the design of living into land spaces. The underground design have been lacking on the natural lighting because there are no windows, there is a sense of confinement underground. There is not natural light direct into the space which makes the people feel the darkness and coldness. This is the main issue for the underground space design for the humanity but now days artificial light slowly become more technological it will help us to light up the darkness space. It helps a lot in our future to brighten up the exterior to make us to feel more comfortable in to the space. Come to the next paragraph will be describe and show an example of pattern how underground design light up from the natural light and artificial light.
3.11 Natural Light through windows and skylights
Because underground architecture is near to the surface, windows and skylights can provide natural light into the interior to let the people realize there is a main focus thereto focus on it. In (figure 17), it shows that skylight can provide natural light to the upper floor of an underground structure. From the atrium space from the image u can see the natural sun light penetrating further into lower levels of the structure? The space surrounding the void has been provided with natural9*sunlight which will affect the brightness of the whole space. (Figure18&19)

Figure 18. An underground building on a flat site using an atrium to provide natural light to focus up the space

Figure 19.Howsunlight shoots into interior space and creates an ambient into the space 
On the otherhand, current Artificial light has become very useful for interior design. It has a lot of way and design to create the light effect it to the space. For example down light, florescence’s light and other. For example on (Figure 20). Design artificial lighting it helps a lot to the natural light. Natural sunlight used can’t be whole day to help brightened up the interior space a, different season different weather have different tones of light to expos into the space.
Underground architecture should use more electric to support the lighting, solar function can be used as our second energy to back up or use it when we have an emergency. If a huge building need to have huge among of energy resource,it can use the power of water to create energyinto the underground .it is more environmental friendly to our mother earth. Malaysia is a good location to use solar because it is a tropical country where most of the weather is hot; this is a good way to protect our environment.
3.3 Help Ventilation
On the other hand, Living into ground space has poor ventilation and Flood problem in tropical country. The spaces from underneath have been surrounded by soil and less opening from the surface. This is the big issues for those Tropicana countries like Malaysia, they need more mechanical system helping to pump up the heat from the ground to surface and recycle the oxygen from the surface to ground something’s like a recycle progress. A few years ago, underground architecture has been facing this issue, but now mechanical system is more technology in underground buildings. Itprovides a high level of thermal comfort, an acceptable humidity level, and adequate ventilation to overcome air quality problems, it have more detail refer to Appendix 3.
Another opinion, solution for every problem like Ventilation does have good ventilation inside ground space. The problem depends on how the design helps the natural ventilation come into the underground space. For example from the (figure 13) it shows that inside the ground design creates more opening to let the air come into the space which will help in good ventilation because it has the coolest air from the underground space thus, heat go up to surface. Other alternatives, underground building can create a hole to let nature connect with the underground space and also can create smooth ventilation into underground.
3.4 Flood Problem In tropical country
Survey has been doneat Appendix 4concluding that most people are worry about the flood problem in tropical country, if we living into land. Basically  Malaysia do have a good and huge underneath water tunnel drain system to pump out all water to the sea but we only have a small drain besides the road . In Malaysia mostof country are surrounded by sea .This the reason why we wanted choose underneath design it can use for a lot of way. If have a good excretion water from the surface why not have a design living space into the landat tropical country. For example in western country they have a good excretion water system in underground their less flood then us, itcan’t said their didn’t have any rain season but they have winter season once winter season have pass by the ice have become water so they also will facing flood problem when ice have been melting the water is going down to underneath water tunnel, future detail it show at Appendix 5.
Tropical country have raining season which is good for us ,we can use water to create energy to our country which can also bring those energy into the underneath living space design to cover if once the electrics stop .citizen not need worry about the darkness place living into ground . If we have a good excretion water system why not we rescale the building and have a living space into ground to replace high rise of building.

Chapter 4
4.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, I have been going through a study and research with living into ground is a great deal for the Malaysia country. Because now a days the population keep increase per year and the space of the land keep more space to fill up the population and the developers keep thinkingto build high rise building to cover the population but they didn’t think about the humanity. Its building will give a good functional to humanity and save environmental? If we keep build high rise building in the surface just will create more air pollution, bad ventilation and climate problem in to that area. Why not try to rescale it.
  We should start to rescale the building and have a living space into ground and the building should blend with the natural landscape design .it will save environmental and humanity. If we do not want to save the earth and keep destroying the weather no matter how well the green design is also can’t have good ventilation and good climate temperatures range in the country. Why not now starting has some living space into the ground or other functional like transportation and machine system, electrical building and other, build into the ground to reduce the pollution and protection to surface.
Rescale the green building design  and create a living space or functional into ground with  more protection ,environmental friendly and attraction to humanity to less using vehicles use walk at the street and it will be more healthy to the humanity . Having a Good design is for helping to environmental and humanity, it is a good solution to save our current global warming problem. If we save earth we will have less flood problem, natural disaster and climate issues.

Latests chapter 2

Chapter 2-Potential physical benefits in Malaysia
2.1 Potential physical benefits in Malaysia
Malaysia, located in South-East Asia, has a land area of 329,748, with a population of28.3 million live in this country andwith a total landmass of 329,847 square kilometers. Besides that Malaysia is a tropical country with two seasons in a year. The dry season occurs during the south-west monsoon from May and September. The northeast monsoon brings the rainy season to the country during mid-November till March. Malaysia is still considered a safety country if compare with other country because in Malaysia there is not much problem or natural disaster.
Nowadays Malaysia have different situationweather problem if compared tothe previous condition. In the early stage, Malaysia is a safe country without any natural disaster problem with a stable monsoon in Malaysia but now, the weather condition has become worst and unstable, more detail can been refer to Appendix 1. It happens because every year the population keeps growing, hence the usage to the humanity increases, for example entertainment area, transportation, and upgrading current technologies. This few threats will make the environment become worst because the pollution will create bad ventilation to the city.
Living into the landhas more potential physical benefits to Malaysia; it helps to solve a lot of problem in Malaysia. Construction of underneath surface living space can be developed through mining and more recently through transport, housing and commercial industries to reduce the global warming problem (Figure 1&2). The potential physical benefits to Malaysia are written down at chapter 2.1 until 2.3.

Figure 1. Underneath transportation and commercial design

Figure 2. Underneath residential design

2.2 Climate, Weather changing
Malaysia is a Tropical country; it is generally warm throughout the year with temperatures ranging from 21° to 32° Celsius in the lowlands previously. Unfortunately the temperatures are starting to change average daily min around 22.1 Celsius to 23.4 Celsius and the maximum will be around 31.4 Celsius to 33 Celsius in a year. Now a days the temperature in Malaysia become worst with the lowest recorded of 19 Celsius, it has reduced 3 Celsius if compared with average daily temperature.The research has been shows in Appendix 2.
It shows nowadays the weather is changing because the pollution globally has become worst. For instance the developer making air pollution, chopping of trees to develop a new city to fit in the humanity needs. It is making the global warming issues become serious and creates a lot of natural disaster problem.
According to the latest news from Brian Dunbar theGlobal warming is an increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface. Since the late 1800's, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8 degrees C). Many experts estimate that the average temperature will rise an additional 2.5 to 10.4 degrees F (1.4 to 5.8 degrees C) by 2100. That rate of increase would be much larger than most past rates of increase.
In another hand this is the problem why Malaysia starts experiencing hot and unstable weather in a year because the atmosphere has become thinner than before. This is the reason why underground designs have the ability to solve the climate problem.
Alternatives way to solve climates issues
Nowadays Malaysia’s climate is unstable which is making the environment become warmer than previous because the car pollution, building materials affected the area to become this hot. This complicated issue is causing the citizens to stay indoors rather than outdoors to enjoy the breeze of air-condition rather than coming out to the street. A better solution for the climate issues would be scaling down skyscrapers towards underground making full use of the space underneath which is much more beneficial .Making use of the underground space can reduce the heat from the sun light because 70% surface of the building is protected by soil to avoid heat exposure into living space. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 it show most of the heat will block by the soil to create more cooler ventilation into the space 
Besides that, wind direction can go into the land to cool up the space, even morning, afternoon or night time it also can help to cool downthe space rather than having surface building enclose with glass and metal (Figure 4). Most of the building in interior are using more host power air conditional and spend a lot of electrical tocool down the space but Underneath space living design will be more economical than surface building because in underground architecture it is using pump mechanical to pump out heat from inside into the exterior letting air ventilation circulate in cooler air, hence air conditions unsafe can be minimize (figure 5). Underground interior will be more comfortable than surface building.
Figure 4 show enclose building with glass and building make less cool ventilation into interior 

Figure 5 underground ventilation function and heat into interior 
In fact, rescaling the building and having an underground design will decrease hard materials usage for examplemetal and glass if comparing with the high-rise building. Underground construction is more focus in the interior materials. For example concrete, reinforced concrete, wood and other. An underground construction material does not affect the environment; most of the materials will not havereflective design because it is using soft materials to construct. The materials usages are to protect our environment and reduce the heat from the surface.
On theother hand, underground architecture is different from 20cenutry modern style. In the beginning Modern architecture becomes more famous surface building and mostly is using metal and glass to be their main structure to support the building which causes that area of the modern structure become hotter and has bad ventilation by blocking from the high rise building. Even now the suggestion of green building design has been pop up, using solar and grass to create eco system to the environment but one day the land will be fully loaded with high rise building of green design, problem of that area still exist, still the same bad ventilation and heavy reflection from sun light because the scale and the materials causes that area become hot and have bad ventilation. Underground design can help us to rescale the high rise building into underground; it can help us to create a more environmentalfriendly space than surface building with the credits of less usage of air-condition, saving more electrical resource.
2.3 Bad Environmental Create New Disaster
Global warming become serious, unstable weather in Malaysia, tsunami, slight earthquake, tornado in Penang, haze from neighborhood and Flood woes started to occur in Malaysia. One of the reason why global warming is becoming serious ,is because of ventilation, pollution from the car transportation ,public transportation in Malaysia are creating sound pollution . Forinstance trains have been created in the middle of the city resulting in sound pollution becoming worst and affected the habitat it of the citizens nearby.
On the other hand the reason why there is heavy car pollution in Malaysia is because does not have a good public transportation for the convenience of humanity causing people to purchase more vehicles to be their transportation. In this case ,more population more transportation are making heavy traffic jam in the city, the sound and air pollution release from vehicles transportation increases day by day.
Besides those public spaces for humanity it is also partly because of the increase of high-rise buildings, modern skyscraper that overtakes the land and environment that a prim and appropriate public space needs like the street walk and garden. Malaysian chooses to drive to nearest place to avoid the hot weather in Malaysia rather than walking to the nearest place. It’s because the public spaces and the building doesn’t bring humanity blend with urban landscape.
2.31 Structure Help Humanity
Creating underground design is much more environmental friendly then surface building. It is issuing low fuel bills, low maintenance and it also looks more beautiful to our mother earth and plant life, animal habitat, and plant transpiration and respiration are maintained to a greater extent than with surface construction but in Malaysia it is different . For example, in Malaysia most of the public space and street walk are surrounded by a lot of high-rise building it can’t attract the beauty of natural and less plant to cover the street walker to avoid the sun light causing people to purchase vehicles to avoid the hot weather in Malaysia. If we start to reduce the high of skyscrapers with the concept of green design and starting to build downward making more space to make the surface more natural view in surface than high rise building, it will attract pedestrians to experience the natural feel rather than driving and can have a good process of ecosystems. In this way, it will be more environmental friendly than a high rise building with usage of concrete design, metal and glass reflection with heat into the humanity. For example in (Figure6), it makes use of the roof top turning it into walkways for pedestrians to enjoying.

Figure6. Rescale the building high and blend with humanity

Besides that Malaysia is also a country where almost 70% of the population is using private car to be their transportation. The reason of choosing a private car over public transport is because Malaysia doesn’t have a good functional public transportation. Nowadays Malaysia can hardly construct new public transportation because most of the land has been constructed to be high-rise buildings. It forces other building to be constructing besides the building and spend amount of time to reach the place.In some area place public train can’t reach the propose destinationbecause of lack of land to construct. This issueis making the city become more polluted from train and doesn’t help the humanity;rather, it makes the area become more unsafely. (Figure 7)

Figure 7. The public train at Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur
Public transportation constructed underground willbe more comfortable to the pedestriansbecause it will be more safety with protection with layers of concrete rather than surface train transportation which is supported with metal structure with empty protection from besides the train. Besides that it reduce sound pollution from underground because the underground space can avoid the sound from exterior and also can avoid interior sound to exterior .it will be more beneficial than surface transportation structure, other than that underground architecture consists of less reflective materials at surface building to decrease heat. More reflective things will only increase heat because of direct sun light reflecting on the materials. This is the benefit of underground design with humanity to be more environmental friendly. (Figure 8)

Figure 8.The underground train transportation in western country 
2.4 Unprotecting in Surface Building
A lot of pollution is happening in different country, we can’t avoid pollutionissue because in a city of rapid development it will naturally occur, what we can do is to prevent and reduce the impact of pollution on our building and humanity. For example highway sound pollution, air ventilation from factory, air pollution vibration from transportation is slowly disturbing our humanity life unsafely. Malaysia’s residential planning area is mostly facing the road. The surface openings provide the major transmission path for noise to the interior. Vibration from surface will also disturb the pathof the interior.
On the other hand, Malaysia is slowly starting to develop a few of natural disaster like tsunami, small tornado and weather changing in current situation. We will not  know when our country will face the problems and natural disasters other western countries are facing  like, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption and others that affects the environment, and leads to financial, environmental and human losses. If we start to think howtoprevent and protect earlier by starting now, when the natural disaster landed, we can reduce the human losses.

2.41Alternative Ways to Save Life
Underground  design ,especially if provided with the ability to exclude or filter contaminated outside air, can be valuable emergency shelter facilities .for example the factory in Malaysia release a lot of gas to the air . It damages the air pollution and destroys the health of humanity. Besides that, small amounts of earth cover are very effective at preventing the transmission of airborne noise like the transportation and the heavy construction sound. This attribute can be very important for structures located in exceptionally noisy locations such as those adjacent to freeways and major airports. Surface opening provide the major transmission path for noise to the interior but undergrounddesign totally reduces the airborne noise from exterior to the interior because underground design is more enclose with concrete and most of the wall have been surrounded with soil it help the space reduce sound pollution from outside. (Figure 9)
Figure 9 it helps to reduce all the air born noise from exterior
In addition, underneath space can also help us to avoid natural disaster like tornado which result in humanity loses. Underneath architecture definitely has more strength than surface building. Surface buildings are using materials to support mother earth but underground architecture is urban landscape blending with underneath utilization space. Besides that underground architecture’s goal is to prevent a damaging release from the facility to the surface ecosystem.it is more environmental friendly than concept surface building.For example at figure 10how previous for the underground design it using for refuge or military space for the citizen.

Figure 10 show the previous design for military and refuge space to 
On the other hand, underground architecture can be safer. For instance, if there is occuring another war in Malaysian. We can use the space to be our self-protection layer to protect our family and our life. Itis much better then surface building, which it is easy to collapse if there is a strong vibration to the surface building. But rescaling the building and replacing the space into the land is much more durable and stronger for the base to support the whole construction.

latest 2 introduction and chapter 1

The rapid growth of world civilization will have a significant impact on the way humans live in the future. As the global Population are increasing and the space of land will decrease one of these days. The high-rise building is continuing to be the trend to fit the population it will definitely make the earth become worst and environment impact will even have green design like solar wing tube or other. It causes every country demand higher standard and mineral resources to sustain this growth and to provide more food, energy and mineral resources to sustain the growth. According to Raymond sterling (1993), problem of doing this compounded by three broad trends; the conversion of agricultural land to development uses; the increasing urbanization of the world`s population ;and growing concern for the maintenance and improvement of the environment ,especially regarding global warming and the impact of population growth.
Now a days, problem of this three broad trends have become more serious until the global warming become serious than before. It has become more serious because Skyscrapers building and vehicles are making the environment worst and complicated. The increase of high-rise building is because of the rapid growth of human population, space saving the land to create more entertainment to the citizens.Now a day every country starting facing the environment problem because too much of skyscrapers building making the city area didn’t have any good air ventilation at the city. There for if keep continue build high rise building, one of the day the building willblocked off the sky. It also makes the city become worst and bad ventilation .why not start living into land utilization design to helping the three threads. It definitely will be more environmental friendly if living into land design is practice in Malaysia.
In this essay, the aims and objectives will be to identify how Skyscrapers building are making the environment worst and complicated and how Underneath surface living design can give more benefit to humanity and environmental problem. The argument in this research paper is: What was the initial ideal and potential physical benefit of having underground architecture, does it concern profits more than the beauty and aesthetic value of the landscape design itself? Does the underground architecture help the humanity to solve their problem and creating a better and safer future ecosystem for us?

Chapter 1-shortcomings of subterranean architecture to Malaysia
Living into the land that has been created a long time ago but they didn’t notice that was a good design for our future. Construction of living into the land design has been around for thousands of years, mostly developed through mining and more recently through transport, housing and commercial industries. Underneath surface living design it brings more profit to our environment, when construct it will reduce the effect to our environment or like the dangerous transportation or building can be build underground which more safety is then building in landscape. Underneath surface living space will bring more benefit to other country which has the problem of Natural disasters but now days they are lacking on the space to build. Why is other country free off any Natural disasters effect on their country? What makes them into starting the design or underground architecture? Can Malaysia start to build down or redesign some spaces turning them into underground? It is more beneficial for our future hope and safety design environments to be carried out to solve these problems.
1.2 Humanity blendingwith landscape building
Now a days the industrial in Malaysia architectures keep wanting to build the high-rise building upwardsto fit the population for the city, but they just think about their own self profit without helping to solve the problem such as transportation, lifestyle, safety, ventilation, and pollution .For example ,Develop build the smaller space to fit the population and pay with high payment for the citizen it does help to humanity.it makes the urban suffer the fate of global warming, it doesn’t completely bring humanity together, the architecture just feed the human what they need.
But for the underneath surface living designit can bring humanity together compare to landscape building because landscape building keep rise up the level of the building to fit the population but they didn’t realize that the scale of the building will block off the sun light into the area, causing the city to become more darker and extreme heat at the afternoon period. Besides that, it will affect a lot of pollution when that area is surrounded by the high rise building. For example sound pollution from the traffic jam, bad air circulation and others. On the other hand, underground architecture can help to solve the problem; rescale a few floor of the building to go underneath in the landscape it will no longer have the problem of the air ventilation.it need to pay more than surface but it is more valuable for the future.
1.3 Rescaled, greener design.
On the other hand, green building design started popping up in 20century, what they do is using the apply green grass on top the high-rise roof building to save the environment become more better. Do they make the humanity together with the landscape building and helping them to solve the environmental problem? For example If surrounded with all the high rise building with green design and using metal and glass to be their main construction materials, once the sun light reflect on the building materials it causes the area to become more hot and air ventilation become worst because of the metal reflection . This urban landscape design does not help human to solve their problem but creating more environmental issue to human.
If we start to rescale the building downwards, it definitely will make the ventilation become better. In the human eyelevel point of view, it will be attracting them when they stroll by the building, feel the green comfortable design; this is not only a good idea and breakthrough for the designers but also for the well-being of the citizens. Besides that, designer should work with human issue and the building issue together to solve current global warning problem. If the green building design is friendlier with environment why does designers starts to choose Living space into the land, is it really greener and more environmental friendly than green building design.